Υ. Stournaras, Bank of Greece Governor: 3,5% development on yearly basis for the next decade with the Recovery Fund
Banking & Finance | February 2021
Υ. Stournaras, Bank of Greece Governor: 3,5% development on yearly basis for the next decade with the Recovery Fund

With an average development rate of approximately 3,5% on yearly basis for the next decade, Greece may succeed with the resources of Recovery Fund according to the Bank of Greece Governor, Υiannis Stournaras. The Recovery fund resources are expected in Greece within the second semester, as mentioned by the Eurogroup Chairman, Paschal Donohoe, as mentioned by ert.gr

Υ. Stournaras, speaking at ERT, underlined that the resources of the Recovery Fund may lead to development of 3,5% on yearly basis for the next decade.

In order to achieve the above goal, according to the Bank of Greece Governor, a necessary condition is to move on with the amendments and create a productivity increase of 2 percentages.

P. Donohoe: Within the second semester the resources of Recovery Fund in Greece

The chairman of Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, spoke at ERT and declared that the resources of Recovery Fund for Greece will be released within the second semester of the year. 

Mr. Donohoe mentioned regarding the Recovery fund that “we were able to have a support system due to several governments, amongst to which was the Greek one”.


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Banking & Finance | February 2022
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