Efi Yordanoglu
Translation Interpreter

Efi is a native bilingual speaker, born in Instanbul. In 2010, she graduated from the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where in 2016, she returned as a tutor teaching to postgraduate students, legal terminology to the language combination Turkish- Greek. Since 2011, Efi works as a formal translator to the Turkish Consulate General in Thessaloniki and she is also member of the Panhellenic Association of Translators (PEM). She has a long experience as translator, as mediator for commercial agreements and as advice counselor to Turkish businesses that have their headquarters in Greece or that they collaborate with enterprises in Greece. Having a great understanding of the Greek and Turkish civilization and culture, Efi works as a connective bound between Turkish and Greek enterprises and entrepreneurs and during each process, she feels always ready and willing to collaborate with clients, offering the best advices and solutions.

Efi Yordanoglu
+30 2103610111,+30 2310552777